Since MSU switched to Maya in the fall of 2009, these pages have not been updated
and Wobbe F. Koning moved on to Monmouth University in the Fall of 2014

Lightwave Modeler Basics

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When in the modeler program, you can find the layer selection in the upper right corner of the screen:

  1. The name of the currently active object (the * indicates that is has changed since it was last saved)
  2. The current layer bank. Lightwave has an unlimited amount of layers. 1 means layers 1-10 are being shown
  3. Layer one is currently in the foreground. All other layers are off. The tickmark in the upper left corner of layer one means it contains geometry

You can select more then one layer by holding down SHIFT. Clicking in the lower right corner of the layer selection rectangle will put the object in the background.

  1. The first layer contains geometry and is in the background
  2. The second layer contains geometry and is in the foreground
  3. Layer 3: No geometry, in the background
  4. Layer 4: No geometry, in the foreground

When there are more layers in the foreground, new geometry will end up in the first foreground layer (Not the one first selected, but the one with the lowest number)

You can also use the number keys to select layers as foreground , ALT + number key will select a layer as background (holding SHIFT will add to seletion, or to be more precise: toggle that layers selection).


When nothing is selected (no points, polygons or edges), EVERYTHING in the foreground layers is selected

SPACE BAR toggles between Point - Edge - Polygon selection.

Deselecting / Clearing selection

User Manuals

PDF versions of the user manuals can be found on the computers in the lab. Look in C:\Program Files\Newtek\Lightwave\Documents

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