Since MSU switched to Maya in the fall of 2009, these pages have not been updated
and Wobbe F. Koning moved on to Monmouth University in the Fall of 2014

Using Layout

TIP: Always start Modeler first, and then start Layout from the top right corner of Modeler (Switch to Layout - F12). This ensures that the two programs are linked.
To maintain this link (the communication between the two programs via the "Hub") it is a bad idea to have more then one instance of either program open

Display Settings

Layout starts with just one viewport. You can change this to the far more practical multi viewport setting in the display settings. If you hit d you will get the preferences window with the display tab selected.

Change the Viewport Layout to quad to get the four window view. You can save this as the default view!

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Viewport switching

In Layout you can use your numerical keys to switch the active viewport (the one your mouse is over) to a different view

  1. Back
  2. Top
  3. Right
  4. Perspective
  5. Light View
  6. Camera
  7. Schematic

Note that this is different from Modeler, where these numbers switch between layers

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Save your objects!

Objects are NOT an integral part of the scene file and changes you made to the object's material settings in layout are not saved when you save the scene. To save these changes you have to save your objects: File → save → Selected Object

File → save → All objects incremental will change a new version of all the objects in you scene

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Displaying, working with the Manipulator

You can toggle the display of the manipulator with ALT-F5

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Manipulating your camera (or light)

In Camera view you cannot use ALT to move around your scene. I assume this is to avoid accidental changes to camera position and angle. However, if you select your camera (SHIFT-C) you can move and point it in the camera view:

If you select a light (SHIFT-L) the manipulations are the same for the selected light if you choose Light as your viewport

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Object and World Coordinates

You can switch between World, Parent (the coordinate system of the object the current object is parented to) and Local (or Object) coordinate systems with Modify → General → Coord System or:

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LW Index
3D Index