Category: Inviting Motion

  • Best Demo Award @ IEEE GEM 24

    Best Demo Award @ IEEE GEM 24

    I had a great time attending the IEEE CTSoc Conference on Gaming, Entertainment and Media (GEM 2024), in Turin (Torino), Italy. I was humbled to receive the Best Demo Award for my VR Experience Inviting Motion.

  • Demo at IEEE GEM 2024

    Demo at IEEE GEM 2024

    Inviting Motion has been accepted as a demo for the IEEE CTSoc Gaming, Entertainment and Media (IEEE GEM) conference, which will take place June 5-7, in Turin, Italy.

  • Inviting Motion @ Monmouth

    Inviting Motion @ Monmouth

    Wednesday, November 8, Raven Serenity Glover will be joining me to present the project at Monmouth University.

  • ACCAD Research Page

    ACCAD Research Page

    On the website of the Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design (ACCAD) at The Ohio State University, a research page was published showcasing how Motion Capture was used to create the interactive VR experience Inviting Motion.